Friday, October 24, 2008

More from my first area...J.B Alberdi!

Here is an inside tour of my first little house on the mission. This area was called Juan Bautista Alberdi.
Pictured here is my study desk. Nicely arranged for maximum studying. Note the fan under the table and next to where my face would be. Some days it got unbelievably hot. Pretty simple...that's how I roll.

If you were to walk into our house and turn directly to the right, you would see our cooking area of the kitchen. Just a little stove and a shelf with the bare necessities. If you take a gander behind the shelf, you will see a big blue thing. That is a giant replica of the Book of Mormon. We would set that up as a booth in the plaza during big events and spread the word.

This next view is panning to the left. As I have said before. a very simple place. The little metal thing infront of the table is a heater for the cold days that we also get here. How do you like our sink and faucet fixtures? High class right?

So, you think you have it bad doing all that laundry? Well, try to do it like us. We had these barrels you would fill up with water, and when turned on just kind of swished the soapy-water around. Then you needed to drain it and re-fill it with water to rinse it. After re-draining it, you have to put a few clothes into R2-D2 to dry.

Who, what, and where is R2-D2. Well, I am going to leave that up to you to find.

You would get it if you saw it run.


cameron said...

it would be hard for me to live anywhere like that - especially now...