Sunday, November 9, 2008

P-Diddy baby... aka: P-day... aka: Preparation Day.

So, here are the missionaries from my tiny little zone. We almost always played futbol because some certain...cough... "native" missionaires never wanted to play anything else. We had a lot of fun beating the latins at 'their sport'.

There is this one member in the ZL's area who is a master at the the asado, or BBQ, and always invited the missionaries over to feast, provided we brought the meat. Boy was it tasty.

How could anyone not think this hilarious. Two missionaries walking half way across town with mattresses. They even had to take them home on top of a pirata, or a unlicensed taxi.

This is our zone at our Halloween party. We made some good 'ol hamburgers... the way only Americans can.

We even bobbed for apples.... what a weird activity. Who came up with that. As a matter of fact, the whole concept of Halloween is bizarre. Parents spend so much time teaching their kids to be nice, to stay away from strangers, etc. But then one night a year, we have them dress up and go out into the night to beg for gifts, from who knows what kinds of weirdos, with an ultimatum off treachery if said condition of treat is not met.
Well, besides that, I like this holiday.


Christina said...

the bobbing for apples photo is very funny--yes, weird activity . . .I've never had success with it! . .. . the mattress photo brought back memories of Elder English and another missionary bringing that big mattress back and forth--up and down the stairs in Colombia!

cameron said...

ha ha... bobby for apples is weird because people just don't go for one apple... they try a lot - then the next person gets their slobber... gross...

halloween is weird

cameron said... fun to see photos I'VE NEVER SEEN...